Hey there!
Sorry I didn't write in so long, I just really didn't have the ideas and stuffs. Going straight to the point, I have a haul post for you. It's back to school, kinda. I started to get the stuff I needed just now. I have my August Glossybox here too, I got it kinda late so I didn't see the point of writing a whole post about it. I wont write a lot, I don't want you to fall asleep as I ramble on about everything and anything, he he. I don't want to go back to school! Thankfully it's my last year, Leaving Cert year. I'm kinda scared, I need to make a portfolio for college and on top of that study, study and study! It makes me cringe when I even think about it.
Here are the photos haha.
Paul Murray
Local Pharmacy.
I wanted to try the BeautyBlender, and this was the closest I could find to it. Im really happy with it, I've used it a bit and I must say its great. You just have to be careful not to put on too much foundation. Trust me, I've been there... It was quite cheap too. Like 4euro.
Treacle Moon
Available at TESCO
I love the smell of mango, and peach and all those cute orange fruits.I like the shower gels from this brand, if I could I'd buy them all.
The one and only Dunnes Stores
I cant wait till my fringe grows out and I can wear this, clipping strands of hair at the back of my head with this clip. It was adorable and so so cheap, like 1.50 or something.
Penneys of course
I picked up those for school, were supposed to have black shoes only. Oh well. I love those! So classy but simple and comfy! I think Im gonna get more of those soon.
FIT ME foundation and powder.
Local Pharmacy.
Believe it or not, this is my first foundation. I never really needed it. I am excited to use it actually haha. I used it a few times and I love it, if you put on powder it looks matte. It was quite expensive but I guess you pay for quality. I will do a review on it, yay!
I love it! The packaging is amazing, its great for school, it has the poof and a mirror. Amazing. It's really good. It gives a good coverage on its own. My new favourite.
Glossybox August 2013
I was quite happy with it. I was disappointed I didn't get the Viva la Juicy sample though. When I saw the eyelash curler I got excited, and my dad asked what was it and if it's used to curl toenails. Men... I like the eyeshadow and eyeliner. The cream is great too, wonderful for dry skin, I use it for my chapped lips, ugh. I didn't use the TRESemme conditioner yet. But I really dislike the Oceane makeup removing pen. It just smudges everything, just a mess.
After a fashion.
What we wore: 1947 to the present.
TK Maxx
I love this book, it has amazing photographs and great articles. And it only cost 10e!
Love, Veronica
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